Jan-Mar 2007
I'll try to catch up for 2007. We started out going to the Western Area FMCA rally in Indio, CA. On the way, our starter went out and Gerald fixed it in Phoenix, AZ. The rally in Indio was a lot of fun and it was great to see our friends.
Next was an overnight trip to San Clemente to Girard Awning to get our awning motor replaced. Then, onto Quartzsite, AZ for a Beaver Ambassador Club rally. There were 65 coaches and it was a great time. We stayed in Q for 2 weeks.
From there, we spent one night in Laughlin at the Colorado Belle Casino. Glenda had a good time and was ahead about $250 when we headed to Las Vegas. We stayed for 3 weeks at the Thousand Trails RV park. There is a dog park about 2 miles away and we took Marquis, our retired racing greyhound every day or so to let her run and play.
We went to Red Rock Canyon, Mt Charleston, Ash Meadows Conservation Area, Death Valley and a lot more exploring the area. We did, of course, hit the strip a few times and also Downtown. It's unreal how it's grown in the last few years.
After leaving Las Vegas, we stopped at Laughlin again and drove over to Oatman, AZ to see the 'wild' burros that come to town for carrot snacks from the tourists. Next, we spent a week at Thousand Trails Verde Valley park in Cottonwood, AZ. The area was beautiful, and interesting and the weather was great and we enjoyed our stay there.Then, onto Texas, stopping for the night at the city park in Wichita Falls, TX. They have upgraded their electricity and we had a site with 50 amp and water for $10. They have a dump station. It's adjacent to Lucy Park, where it is great to walk and get some good exercise.
Our next stop was Thousand Trails at Lake Whitney, TX. We loved that park and hope to return there many times. There are hiking trails all throughout the park and everyone was so friendly. We were there about 2 weeks and then headed to Madisonville, TX to Gerald's parents ranch. We are here for a month or so, taking care of annual doctor visits and making a few minor repairs to the motorhome and the jeep.